Brady / Donahue

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Some quick tips on Workers’ Compensation from a Vermont work injury lawyer

Have you ever experienced a work-related injury? If you find yourself in the unfortunate position of getting hurt on the job, here are some tips from a work injury lawyer at Brady / Donahue.

After obtaining necessary medical treatment, you must notify your employer of your injury.  The employer is then obligated to file a first report of injury with the Department of Labor within 72 hours.  Following a work injury, you may be entitled to the worker’s compensation benefits discussed below.


1) Temporary Total Disability

Temporary Total Disability (TTD) is the first set of monetary benefits you are likely to receive.  TTD benefits will reimburse you for the time you miss from work due to your injuries at 66% of your average weekly wage. TTD benefits last until one of the following occurs:  (1) You return to work in some capacity for which you are paid; (2) your doctor informs you that you have reached a medical endpoint beyond which no further improvement is expected. If you are able to return to work in a light duty capacity, you may be entitled to partial wage reimbursement.


2) Permanent Partial Disability

Permanent Partial Disability benefits (PPD) are owed when your doctor declares that have reached a medical endpoint and have been left with a permanent impairment from the injury. The amount is determined by a doctor using the American Medical Association’s guide to permanent injuries.  As an injured worker, even if you have been given an impairment rating by a doctor hired by the insurance carrier, you have the right to have a doctor of your choice perform a separate impairment evaluation at the carrier’s expense as part of your worker’s comp.


3) Vocational Rehabilitation

If you miss enough time from work and are not able perform the job you had before you were injured, you may be entitled to Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) benefits.  VR is a program designed to assist you in finding a comparable new job. If you choose to participate in VR, you will be assigned a VR Counselor who will create a “Return to Work” plan for you to make your transition back into the workforce easier.  In some cases, the Return to Work Plan will include additional training and education.  


4) Commonly Asked Questions

You may be asking yourself, if I am hurt at work, will my medical expenses be paid for by my employer? How long will these expenses be paid for by my employer?  A  work injury lawyer at Brady / Donahue can help. Once you have an open and accepted worker’s compensation claim with your employer, all of the reasonable, necessary, and work-injury related medical attention you need will be paid for by your employer. You will not be responsible for paying for any medical expenses.  Further, the employer is required to pay your mileage expenses for travel to and from doctor’s appointments.  Your reasonable and related medical benefits will remain open forever unless you settle your worker’s compensation claim.