contains('hidden')) { gtag_report_conversion(); console.log('gtag submitted'); } else { console.log('gtag not submitted'); } } }); function gtag_report_conversion(url) { var callback = function () { if (typeof(url) != 'undefined') { window.location = url; } }; gtag('event', 'conversion', { 'send_to': 'AW-965986181/ZfDuCJP76QgQhY_PzAM', 'event_callback': callback }); return false; }

Brady / Donahue

56 Main Street, Suite 303  P. O. Box 39
Springfield, VT 05156
Phone: (802) 885-2001 Fax: (802) 885-2011 

Please note: By sending this contact information form you acknowledge that we have not created an attorney-client relationship with you unless it has been previously established. You agree that the recipient of this contact information form may review any information you transmit to us, and even if you submitted it in a good faith effort to retain us, and even if it is highly confidential, does not preclude us from representing another client directly adverse to you, even in a matter where that information could and will be used against you.

Main office, Springfield, Vermont.


Burlington, Vermont office.